Why Managers Should Motivate and Engage Employees?

Engaged and motivated employees are a key to success for any organization. They are valuable to the company compared to less engaged employees, willing to go above and beyond, and less likely to leave a company. Highly motivated and engaged employees are more productive, this will help decrease your employee turnover rate and at last, you’ll have happier and lower-tenured employees. As a result, you will save money on training and recruiting costs so to increase the overall performance of the company.

Nowadays, employees are less engaged than they were before the pandemic. Today people have had time to think about switching their job or career. Engagement and motivation both are critical elements in building a high-performing team. Here’s why both these factors have a crucial role to play more than ever before:

  1. Employee Retention is Difficult

When employees don’t feel challenged at work or their team members or employer doesn’t support or motivate them, they will more likely to feel disengaged. During the pandemic, a lot of employees have experienced this feeling and want to work elsewhere.

Low engagement and increased job moves are linked and it’s no coincidence. In a study conducted by 1000 UK workers, about a third (29%) are thinking to switch to a new job this year and another study by Qualtrics of 13,000 people found that employee engagement in the UK is recently sitting at just 50%.

According to CIPD, about 41% of employees have experienced increased employee turnover or difficulty with retention over the last six months.

It’s important for managers to focus on employee engagement and need to identify what attracts or hinders your employees; it would be different for different organizations. For this, you need to learn practical skills in people practice and for that you can opt for CIPD Level 3-5 in leadership and management training courses offered by Bradfield.

  1. To Reduce Employee Burnout

Since the pandemic, employee burnout is continuing to rise, with 75% of workers wanting to leave their jobs for this reason. Burnout is a serious problem for managers and employers because it affects your motivated and highest-performing employees. Managers should look for ways to reduce burnout and boost employees by supporting and improving engagement.

Why Motivating Employees is Important?

Motivation is a significant factor in raising the overall performance of the organization. A motivated employee will perform 3 times better than an unmotivated employee. They will work with less interest, may spend more time on the phone, will not work with great energy and will be unfocused. However, this will affect your organization from reaching goals.

It’s vital to understand what motivates your employees; it would be different for each individual. Motivating employees is an effective strategy to get the best out of your employees.

For more such strategies on how to effectively engage with your employees, kindly reach out to our experts to learn about several CIPD qualifications and courses at bradfield or call us at +97144405190.

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